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Be Yourself


Authenticity! It’s one of my values and I love and admire it when I see it in somebody else. Even so, I haven’t always found it easy myself! It takes courage to be vulnerable enough to show who we truly are (what if someone doesn’t like what they see?)

Learning to love and accept ourselves just as we are (and as ‘works in progress’) is a good starting place. If I love me it doesn’t matter so much if someone else doesn’t. We all need affirmation, but we don’t have to receive it from everybody. I can choose my friends. (God Himself is your and my greatest admirer!! After all, He created us!)

I am still learning to be authentic and I appreciate it (at least retrospectively!) on the occasions when friends challenge me as to my genuineness (that takes courage too!) Being real means being real with myself as well as with others – is that genuinely what I feel, believe, want etc or is that what I’ve told myself or been told by others that I should think etc?

An aspect of my coaching that I love is coaching people into their true, God-given identity. This journey into greater authenticity, is one I’m still on. It’s a journey into greater freedom. Stopping pretending (even to ourselves,) taking off the masks and the ill-fitting clothes, along with dropping the weights and perhaps even coming out of the cages of other people’s expectations, is truly liberating. Let’s make this journey together. The world needs you and I!



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